Underground Investing For Fun And Profits

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Lessons From A 3-Year Old!

Jen and I just got back from Thanksgiving with her family in Scotch Plains NJ.

All 30 of them!!!

I loved every moment of it.

Particularly spending time with our nieces and nephew. Yep, just one nephew among 18 nieces and cousins under the age of 16, poor guy.

This morning was the best though!

Our niece, Dominique is all of 3 years old AND a story teller.

She woke Jen and I up by sneaking into our bedroom and bombing us (jumping up on the bed unexpectedly)!

She proceeded to take the next 30 minutes and tell us all about Casper the Friendly Ghost to the point that we believed that she actually knew him personally and he was real. She knew him personally! Now, we know that Casper is not real, but the story that Dominique was telling us was believeable.

This is what we all must be doing on a day to day basis. Telling stories about our products and services AND making it sound like our buyer already has the product or service that we are offering. If you own a business, they are YOUR products and services. If you work for someone else, they are still YOUR products and services and the amount that gets sold determines your bonus, commission, and sometimes even if you get to keep your job! If you are a real estate investor, it is YOUR real estate that you have to sell to a potential buyer, or to the bank for financing.

Now the difference between Casper and our products and services is that our products and services are real. So, how do we make them seem more real to the person on the other side? That is where marketing comes in. We need to go out and find a way to market our products and services more effectively BOTH online and offline.

The best way to do this is to make it personal is to market you first. For example, look at what I am doing here on this site. My picture is here (a better one will be up soon), I talk about my family, I give you my take on my product (investments), and so forth. I do this all of the time. I do it here online at www.UndergroundInvestingForFunAndProfits.com , I do it at virtually every business and networking event that I attend, and I even do it with family and friends. Basically, be yourself but don't be afraid to promote yourself.

You see, there are lessons to be learned from our 3 year old nieces.

To Your Investing Success,




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