Absolut Proof of Inflation!
However, I do have something for you today!
Last week, as I was purchasing libations for the annual KlineClark Xmas Extravaganza Party, I noticed that the price of Absolut vodka had soared some 20% from the prior year (I noticed because the price was still on last year's bottle). Now, since Absolut is an import (from Scandanavia), so I figured that all of the imported spirits were up by approximately the same 20%. I also deduced that domestic spirits had probably risen as well, though I had no basis to figure out by how much. But here is the thing, I went home to see how sales were going for the PA Liquor Control Board, they were up by some 13% for the year. So, prices up, sales up. Makes sense since alcohol is one of those products like food and cigarettes that tend to be unaffected by economic conditions. People need to eat, and if they are not celebrating, they are drowning out sorrows.
Now, some of you may be saying that I am off of my rocker and that the meds are talking.
Well, there were 2, count 'em 2 significant economic events that you should take note from last week.
The first is the fact that WHEAT, yes WHEAT went over the $10 per bushel market FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER on Thursday at $10.09! Wheat and corn is in virtually every foodstuff in our food supply. The obvious are cereals and breads. However, remember that cattle, chickens, pigs, all form of livestock that provide us with meat, cheese, eggs, and milk products are fed with variants of corn and wheat. Unless you can survive solely on fish, veggies, and fruit, you are affected by the price of wheat which has quadrupled in the last 5 years. And food manufacturers and distributors are only now starting to raise prices in any significant amounts to notice. They are still operating on the smaller profit margins brought about by the rise in wheat and corn. Don't you think that they are going to want there big payday soon?
The second event to occur last week was the release of the CPI and PPI. The Consumer Price Index for November clocked in at 4.3% since November of 2006! That is a huge increase considering that previous months year over year inflation numbers were released at 2.8% and 3.2%. In fact, the government (we're here to help) was declaring that inflation was being kept in check! Hah! If you add in the 7% hidden inflation that the government never seems to add in, we are looking at 11.3%!
The Producer Price Index (the price that manufacturers pay) was up 7.2%! This is the largest increase in the PPI in 26 years! If you are old enough remember 26 years ago (if you are not go to the history books), it was 1981! In 1981, the country was going through the middle of a recession, real inflation rates were in double digits still as a result of the oil embargo of the early to mid-70s. The Reagan Administration was still trying to repair the economic policies enacted by the Carter Administration. The 30 Year Treasury Bond was yielding 13%, the Fed under then Chairman Paul Volcker had as its mandate to get inflation under control any way, any how, even if it meant allowing economic cycles to occur and the country to go into recession (which it did). Inflation was eventually put in check and the 1980s became one of the most prosperous decades in history!
Fast forward to today, the 30 Year Treasury Bond is yielding 4.6%, the country is in recession (even if not recognized by the Fed) and the Fed has as its mandate preventing recession at any cost. Even if that means allowing inflation to become rampant. Well, since the Fed no longer acknowledges food and energy in its primary measure of inflation (wheat quadrupled in 5 years, gas up 34.8% in a year), the Fed also cannot acknowledge the fact that we are already experiencing rampant inflation, so they can justify pumping more and more dollars into the money supply, exasperating the inflation scenario...all in the name of preventing recession. Well, if you cannot acknowledge rampant inflation, you cannot fight recession. And since you cannot fight recession, you allow it to occur. Therefore, the Fed under chairman Ben Bernanke and Alan Greenspan before him has FAILED this country and this economy!
It is time for reform at the Fed. Count everything that is pertinent to this society when measuring inflation. This includes food and energy. Place business leaders, former CEOs, in Fed seats, people who know the real impact of their decisions. Eliminate the monopoly of the Fed seats by bankers and academics.
Notes From The Underground:
Dow - 13,177.44 +10.24
Gold - 799.20 +3.90
Silver - 13.92 +0.06
Oil - 91.52 +0.89
To Your Investing Success,
Labels: Commodities, Economy
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