Underground Investing For Fun And Profits

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Vice is Nice!

You know the Fund, the one that invests in booze, gambling, tobacco, and aerospace and defense. Basically, if it is non-PC, it is fair game for the guys at The Vice Fund (VICEX). The fund that does well even when the market tanks.
This fund has done 21.7% annually for the last 5 years. It is up over 23% this year.

How does the Vice Fund put up these numbers?

Well, you can't stop people from drinking, gambling, and smoking no matter what the economy is doing...and since most of the big booze and tobacco companies are also diversified into food, well, people still need to eat.

Top this off with the wild card play of aerospace and defense, which mind you, even when not in a war, new equipment needs to be bought and old equipment maintained, you have the makings of a portfolio that can kick ass!

The industries that the Vice Fund invests in Alcohol, Gaming, Tobacco, Defense are all considered defensive stocks. When the market gets unpredictable, institutions and smart investors flock to these stocks with the money that they keep in the stock market.

Oh, and by the way, because these industries are generally CASH COWS, they also pay NICE DIVIDENDS! And anyone who has spoken to me about stock investing knows how much I like that!

However, I am generally not a fan of mutual funds because of their costs both published and implied. However, sometimes exceptions have to be made. Even after subtracting published expense rates of 1.75% and implied expenses like trading and taxes that can take the overall expenses to 4%, you must admit that when you are returning 21.7% annually over 5 years, a net return in the high teens is not something to sneeze at when investing in stocks.

Besides just watching and listening to the guys at the Vice Fund and talking about the Vice Fund is well, FUN!

You see, these are the kinds of stock investors that I study. Guys that return over 20% on a regular basis like clockwork. These are also the insights that I will be passing along to you through www.UndergroundInvestingForFunAndProfits.com in the coming weeks and months. So go register for regular updates as well as special updates as more resources are added to the site. Coming plans include a hard copy newsletter, a stock selection service, and much, much more.

To Your Investing Success,



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