Underground Investing For Fun And Profits

Friday, December 28, 2007


Thanksgiving is the time of year where we give thanks for what we have...

Christmas is the time of year where we give to those less fortunate than ourselves.

As many of you know, I am good friends with Jim Canale and a Platinum member of his CashFlow Now! Mentoring Group. Well, Jim is hosting a wonderful, stand up event on January 4 to raise money for the Hero Scholarship Fund of Philadelphia. At this event we will be playing Robert Kiyosaki's Cashflow Game and raising $14,000 for the Hero Scholarship Fund.

The Hero Scholarship Fund is a charity that pays the college tuition for kids of cops who have been killed in the line of duty.

In the past 14 years, 14 police officers in the City of Philadelphia have been killed in the line of duty. The life insurance that the city provides the family is paltry. And the pension benefits to widows, especially if the officer has not been in the force for very long, is pitiful. Long story short, the death of a police officer is a body slam to the family left behind and every little bit that we can do to help officers and their families helps.

Remember, police officers put their lives on the line every single day defending where many of us live and invest.

Go to www.cashflowforcops.com to read more and to register for the event on January 4 where we will play Robert Kiyosaki's Cashflow Game for this wonderful cause and also to further our financial educations, as well as network.

Notes From The Underground:
Dow - 13,361.56 +1.54
Gold - 839.50 +11.00
Silver - 14.81 +0.10
Oil - 97.31 +0.69
Wheat - 8.88 -0.27

To Your Investing Success,


PS I will be closing the year out on Monday on Jim Canale's Real Estate Lifestyle Radio Show where I will give my outlook for the stock market in 2008. The show can be heard live at 10:00 am on AM860 in Philadelphia.

PPS If you want a copy of my 2008 Stock Market Outlook Report, titled "The 5 Investment Choices You Need To Make In 2008 For Fun And Profit", send me an email to me at patrickclark@undergroundinvestingforfunandprofits.com. The report will be released on January 2, 2008.

PPPS I will be back on regular schedule after the New Year providing insights on a daily basis. I hope that everyone had a very Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year!



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